Fr. 21.90

Too Many Murders

Anglais · Livre Broché

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En savoir plus

Informationen zum Autor Colleen McCullough! a neuroscientist by training! worked in various Sydney and English hospitals before settling into 10 years of research and teaching in the Department of Neurology at the Yale Medical School in the USA. In 1974 her first novel! 'Tim' was published in New York! followed by 'The Thorn Birds' in 1977 and a string of successful novels! including the Masters of Rome series. She lives in Norfolk Island! with her husband! Ric Robinson! and a cat named Shady. Klappentext The thrilling new novel from the author of The Thorn Birds

Détails du produit

Auteurs Colleen McCullough
Edition Harper Collins Uk
Langues Anglais
Format d'édition Livre Broché
Sortie 31.07.2011
EAN 9780007311194
ISBN 978-0-00-731119-4
Pages 371
Dimensions 153 mm x 233 mm x 27 mm
Thèmes Carmine Delmonico
Carmine Delmonico
Catégories Littérature > Littérature (récits)

Australische SchriftstellerInnen; Werke (div.)

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