Fr. 33.50

Wúrà àti Wùmí

yoruba · Livre de poche

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En savoir plus

Wúrà and Wùmí love to dance. They turn on the music and start a dance party. They are joined by their friend, W¿lé, whose clumsiness brings the dancing to an abrupt end. But Wúrà and Wùmí cannot be stopped. Soon the dancing will begin again.

A propos de l'auteur

Àník¿¿ Fátúnà¿e is a long time Yorùbá teacher. She taught Yorùbá at Corona Primary School in Lagos, Nigeria, in the 1980s. Today, she teaches Yorùbá to non-native speakers in the United States. Her dream is to see children everywhere learn to love and speak Yorùbá, one of the richest languages in the world.

Détails du produit

Auteurs Anike Fatunase
Collaboration Ozioma Osanu (Illustrations)
Edition Onwuemene Publishing Group, L.L.C.
Langues yoruba
Format d'édition Livre de poche
Sortie 12.10.2019
EAN 9781948960564
ISBN 978-1-948960-56-4
Pages 24
Dimensions 203 mm x 203 mm x 2 mm
Poids 82 g
Catégorie Livres pour enfants et adolescents > Littérature spécialisée (texte ou images)

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