Fr. 18.50

All About Feelings

Anglais · Livre Relié

Expédition généralement dans un délai de 1 à 3 jours ouvrés


En savoir plus

Informationen zum Autor Felicity Brooks (Author) Felicity has worked for Usborne for over 30 years and has written and edited hundreds of titles, from books on tractors to genetics, from Shakespeare to mental health, and plenty of sparkly unicorns. Felicity is an expert in making tricky topics friendly and accessible to young children and recently has been writing books that celebrate feelings, friendship, empathy, families, and diversity. When she's not writing or researching very specific details on dinosaurs, Felicity can be found tramping through fields and forests foraging for food or just curled up with a bag of Twiglets, a couple of cats and a crossword. Klappentext How are you feeling today? This lively and engaging exploration of emotions helps young children learn to answer this important question. Topics covered include learning to describe feelings, how your feelings can change, and being kind to yourself. There are helpful notes for grown-ups at the back too and links to websites for more advice. Zusammenfassung How are you feeling today? This lively and engaging exploration of emotions helps young children learn to answer this important question. Topics covered include learning to describe feelings! how your feelings can change! and being kind to yourself. There are helpful notes for grown-ups at the back too and links to websites for more advice.


The perfect introduction to helping little ones understand and handle their often confusing and jumbled-up emotions. Lancashire Evening Post

Détails du produit

Auteurs Frankie Allen, Felicity Brooks, Not Known
Collaboration Mar Ferrero (Illustrations)
Edition Usborne Publishing
Langues Anglais
Format d'édition Livre Relié
Sortie 17.07.2019
EAN 9781474937115
ISBN 978-1-4749-3711-5
Pages 32
Dimensions 247 mm x 297 mm x 9 mm
Thèmes My First Book
Usborne My First Books
Usborne My First Books
All About
My First Book
Catégorie Livres pour enfants et adolescents > Livres d'images

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