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Anglais, rundi · Livre de poche

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En savoir plus

When 15-year-old Lucy tries to make her life better, she accidentally makes it worse.

15-year-old Lucy works hard at school, gets on with her parents and has a best friend named Brigitte. Her life is unexciting but it works. It just doesn't work as well as Natasha's. Natasha is the coolest girl in school. And one day Natasha's focus turns to Lucy. She needs Lucy's help. Lucy needs Natasha's approval. It's a perfect match. Until it isn't. As Lucy starts to adapt her life to suit Natasha she learns the secrets of Natasha's constant success. Soon Lucy learns to use people just like Natasha. And soon Lucy forgets who she is - the person she was growing up to be. Until the night of the party. What is supposed to be the pinnacle of Lucy's success becomes the price of her new life. A price that turns out to be far too high for anyone to bear.

A propos de l'auteur

Wendy Howitt is the author of two young adult books, USER PAYS and BULLETPROOF. She has written on staff for Vogue Australia, Harper's Bazaar and the Sydney Morning Herald. As a freelancer, her byline has appeared in many publications, including Cleo, Inside Out magazine and The Australian Magazine. She has also won two beauty journalism awards.

Détails du produit

Auteurs Wendy Howitt
Edition Wendy Howitt
Langues Anglais, rundi
Format d'édition Livre de poche
Sortie 07.12.2017
EAN 9781925579734
ISBN 978-1-925579-73-4
Pages 310
Dimensions 127 mm x 203 mm x 18 mm
Poids 375 g
Catégorie Livres pour enfants et adolescents

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