Fr. 33.50

Claude Ranger - Canadian Jazz Legend

Anglais · Livre de poche

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En savoir plus

Even before Claude Ranger disappeared in late 2000, his fate unknown, he had attained legendary status among Canada's jazz musicians as an extraordinary drummer who repeatedly challenged the status quo on bandstands in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.

Willful, uncompromising and charismatic, cigarette invariably tucked into the left corner of his mouth, Ranger cut a compelling figure alongside Canadian and American stars alike - Lenny Breau, Jane Bunnett, Sonny Greenwich, Moe Koffman, P.J. Perry, Dewey Redman, Sonny Rollins, Don Thompson and many others.

Claude Ranger: Canadian Jazz Legend presents a sympathetic portrait of this remarkable musician and offers a perceptive overview of the Canadian jazz scene during the 35 years in which, by turns, his career flourished, faltered and flourished again.

A propos de l'auteur

Mark Miller started his Chick-fil-A career in 1977 working as an hourly team member. Since then, Mark has provided leadership for Corporate Communications, Field Operations, Quality and Customer Satisfaction, Training and Development, Organizational Effectiveness and Leadership Development. Mark's desire to encourage and equip leaders has taken him around the globe. He is the author of five books, two co-authored with Ken Blanchard.

Détails du produit

Auteurs Mark Miller
Edition Mark Miller
Langues Anglais
Format d'édition Livre de poche
Sortie 17.04.2017
EAN 9781773025599
ISBN 978-1-77302-559-9
Pages 280
Dimensions 140 mm x 216 mm x 17 mm
Poids 399 g
Catégorie Sciences humaines, art, musique > Musique > Monographies

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