Fr. 32.90

Waters of Eternal Youth

Anglais · Livre Relié

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En savoir plus

The 25th instalment in the bestselling Brunetti series. Brunetti investigates a cold case by request of the grand Contessa Lando-Continui, and finds a murky past and a dark story at its heart. Awash in the rhythms and concerns of contemporary Venetian life, from historical preservation, to housing, to new waves of African migrants, and the haunting story of a woman trapped in a damaged perpetual childhood.

A propos de l'auteur

Donna Leon was named by The Times as one of the 50 Greatest Crime Writers. She is an award-winning crime novelist, celebrated for the bestselling Brunetti series. Donna has lived in Venice for thirty years and previously lived in Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Iran and China, where she worked as a teacher. Donna’s books have been translated into 35 languages and have been published around the world.

Her previous novels featuring Commissario Brunetti have all been highly acclaimed; including Friends in High Places, which won the CWA Macallan Silver Dagger for Fiction, Fatal Remedies, Doctored Evidence, A Sea of Troubles and Beastly Things.


In The Waters of Eternal Youth, the twenty-fifth instalment in the bestselling Brunetti series, our Commissario finds himself drawn into a case that may not be a crime at all. Out of a mixture of curiosity, pity and a willingness to fulfil the wishes of a loving grandmother, Brunetti reopens the case.


In The Waters of Eternal Youth, the twenty-fifth instalment in the bestselling Brunetti series, our Commissario finds himself drawn into a case that may not be a crime at all.

Détails du produit

Auteurs Donna Leon
Edition Random House Uk
Langues Anglais
Format d'édition Livre Relié
Sortie 30.04.2016
EAN 9781785150760
ISBN 978-1-78515-076-0
Pages 304
Thèmes Brunetti
Catégorie Littérature > Suspense

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