
Bricks and Mortality (Campbell & Carter Mystery 3) - A cosy English village crime novel of wit and intrigue

Anglais · Livre Relié


En savoir plus

The third Cotswold village mystery featuring Inspector Jess Campbell and Superintendent Ian Carter reveals a ruthless killer and a case of mistaken identity. In the cold light of dawn, a dead body is found entombed in the smouldering remains of a burnt-out Cotswold manor. Key House has stood empty for years, but its owner, Gervase Crown, is rumoured to have been seen in Weston St Ambrose prior to the blaze. Could he be responsible for the fire and the tragic death that followed, or was he in fact the intended target? As Inspector Jess Campbell and Superintendent Ian Carter begin their investigation it becomes clear that Gervase wasn't the most popular and his return reawakens old memories, not all of which are good.

Détails du produit

Auteurs Ann Granger
Edition Headline
Langues Anglais
Format d'édition Livre Relié
Sortie 06.06.2013
EAN 9780755349142
ISBN 978-0-7553-4914-2
Pages 352
Dimensions 164 mm x 241 mm x 98 mm
Thèmes Jessica Campbell
Jessica Campbell
Jessica Campbell / Campbell and Carter
Jessica Campbell ermittelt / Campbell and Carter
Catégorie Littérature > Suspense

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