
The Lord of the Rings - Poster Collection (6 Posters) v.1

Anglais · Poster


En savoir plus

The 50 paintings contained within the centenary edition of The Lord of the Rings in 1992 have themselves become classics and Alan Lee''s interpretations are hailed as the most faithful to Tolkien''s own vision. This new poster collection reproduces six of the most popular paintings from the book in a format suitable either for hanging as posters or mounting and framing.

Détails du produit

Auteurs Alan Lee
Edition Harper Collins Uk
Langues Anglais
Format d'édition Poster
Sortie 06.09.1999
EAN 9780261103887
ISBN 978-0-261-10388-7
Dimensions 298 mm x 462 mm x 3 mm
Thème Tolkien
Catégorie Littérature > Science-fiction , fantastique

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