Fr. 22.50

This Might Sting A Little (2022 Reissue, Girder Records, Remastered)


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Disciple's second album This Might Sting a Little (1999), generated them two GMA Dove Award nominations and two Number 1 Christian rock hit songs with "I Just Know" and "Big Bad Wolf." This Might Sting A Little is the only Disciple album to contain no ballads whatsoever but what it lacks in ballads it makes up for in intense metal riffs with a punch in the mouth revelation. No punches are pulled in this razor sharp collection of tracks that strip away ambiguity to tell it like it like it is. Blending a hard rock style with massive grooves and a Rage Against the Machine vocal attack these guys rose to be the premier Christian groove/ semi-rapcore band of the decade. Where the My Daddy Can Whip Your Daddy EP (Warner, 1997) anchored their credibility as a musical act, it wasn't until 1999 and the release of Sting where Disciple established with boldness that they were a ministry band first and foremost - the songs possessed a massive message with a massive musical force to propel them with clarity to the world. - Jonathan "Doc" Swank, Heaven's Metal Magazine


Interpreten Disciple
Genre Hardrock, Metal
Inhalt CD
Erscheinungsdatum 04.11.2022
Edition Remastered, 2022 Reissue, Girder Records




  • Beste CD in meinem Regal!!!

    Am 04. September 2005 von Chräbsli geschrieben.
    Diese Kundenrezension bezieht sich auf eine alternative Version.

    Das esch aso die bescht CD wo ech bis jetzt je kauft ha! Sit ech die han, losi fascht nüd anders meh ond si esch mer emmernoni verleidet! Ned nor d'Musig, sondern au d'message esch eifach de Hammer!

  • this might sting a little

    Am 25. Juni 2005 von K-1000 geschrieben.
    Diese Kundenrezension bezieht sich auf eine alternative Version.

    Mmmhh superbe ! à mon goût le meilleur cd de Disciple ! particulièrement la chanson mythique "I just know" !!!

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