Fr. 15.50

Live from Austin Texas

Englisch · DVD

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viewed today, stevie ray vaughan's only two appearences on "austin city limits" (bookending, as they do, his recording career with double trouble) offer a study in contrasts and chronicle the evolution of a brief but amazing musical saga. as has repeatedly been cited by innumerable musicians who "knew him when", he could always play. that was a given. but the guitarslinger who took the release of his debut album, texas flood, and the stevie ray who returned in 1989, following the release of in step, were two different people.
in '83, still in his twenties, stevie was hungry, out to prove something, visibly nervous, and not entirely stable. this was serious business. but by '89, at 35, he was a changed man. he was back at home, he had kicked drugs and alcohol, overcome living hell and a brush with death. from here on out was icing on the cake, and he savored every moment. this was a blast!
serious, yes, but serious, fun.
"austin city limits" producer terry lickona concurs: "when he did the show the first time, he was a combination of nervous, paranoid, and so insecure. zero self-confidence and sweating big-time the whole night. the contrast between that first show and the next was like night and day. the 1989 show was pure magic. and without exaggeration this retrospective, based on the response it's had, is the most popular "austin city limits" program that's ever aired in the show's 20-year history.
ad added bonus, the coda that complets this audio-visual composition, is the posthuous video of "little wing", which defty intertwines footage of stevie and double trouble with rare glimpses of blues greats from leadbelly to hendrix, from big bill broonzy to t-bone walker. the most pignant scenes, and the ones that would no doubt be closest to stevie's heart, are clips of albert king and collins holding fender stevie ray vaughan signature model stratocasters. in his wildest dreams stevie probably couldn't have envisioned being part of the fender line, let alone the image of these legends, now also deceased, playing anything but their tradmark flying v and telecaster. much in the way he could write volumes with only a few notes, mr. king sums up his disciple: "i would describe him as a guitar master. he had made up in his mind the guitar wasn't gonna master him - he was gonna master it. and he did just that."
can i hear an amen? - dan forte

01. Pride and joy
02. Texas flood
03. Voodoo chile
04. The house is rockin`
05. Tightrope
06. Cold shot
07. Crossfire
08. Riviera paradise
09. Tick tock
10. Little wing


Produzent Terry Lickona
Regisseur Gary Menotti
Interpreten Stevie Ray Vaughan
Genre Blues, Zydeco
Inhalt DVD
FSK / Altersfreigabe ab 0 Jahren
Erscheinungsdatum 03.09.1997
Ton Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0), Englisch (Dolby Surround)
Laufzeit 63 Minuten
Ländercode 2



  • DVD Live from Austin Texas

    Am 24. Mai 2004 von Bartmcfly geschrieben.


  • let's Blues

    Am 22. Oktober 2003 von MJ geschrieben.

    Was dieser Mann auf der Gitarre spielt ist einfach super hätte mit Hendrix sicher geil abgejamt.

  • SRV

    Am 13. Januar 2003 von Peter B geschrieben.

    Ein M U S S für jeden Stevie Fan!
    Sehr genial!!

  • Super

    Am 07. Januar 2003 von Pietro geschrieben.

    Diese DVD ist klasse! Man muss sie einfach gesehen haben. Dank der fabelhaften Regie bekommt man einen sehr guten Einblick in der Technick von SRV.

  • Für alle SRV-Fans ein Muss

    Am 04. Mai 2002 von Blues Bird geschrieben.

    Diese DVD ist zwar vom Menü und den Features her etwas altmodisch und spärlich gehalten, aber das Bild- und Soundmaterial ist von erster Güte. Der Mitschnitt von 1983 zeigt SRV in Hochform, aber die Aufnahmen von 1989 sind sogar noch spaktakulärer. Etwas schade für Nicht-Besitzer der SRV-Boxsets ist, dass nicht das ganze Konzert von 1989 "Austin City Limits" auf die Scheibe gepresst ist. Songs wie Mary Had A Little Lamb, Couldn't Stand The Weather oder Look At Little Sister fehlen, sind aber im Boxset enthalten. Trotzdem ein muss für alle SRV Fans.

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