Fr. 27.90

1 Life - How to attract luck, success, love and money

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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We have all been given the incredible gift of life, but shockingly few of us make the most of it. It is far too short to be dissatisfied and unhappy with it.Life as you currently know it was created inside your head - and this allows you to change your life at any time, to whatever you might desire.In this book, I show you how you can use the power of your own thoughts and the law of attraction to create and attract everything you want from the bottom of your heart. We bring luck, success, love and money into your life - and even more:Everything you wish for. Through the law of attraction to happiness, success, love and money Includes inspirational sayings and quotes With space for notes and personal goals Total book length 222 pages

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Marco Perner is an Austrian entrepreneur who has achieved international success with a wide variety of business ideas. With his start-ups, he has been a guest on various TV shows and featured in well-known newspapers.


Autoren Marco Perner
Verlag Perner Ventures
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 13.03.2024
EAN 9783903497108
ISBN 978-3-903497-10-8
Seiten 222
Abmessung 164 mm x 14 mm x 212 mm
Gewicht 312 g
Thema Ratgeber > Lebenshilfe, Alltag > Lebensführung, Persönliche Entwicklung


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