Fr. 14.50

Magical Stories

Englisch · Taschenbuch

Erscheint am 07.12.2024


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Informationen zum Autor Enid Blyton's books have sold over 500 million copies and have been translated into other languages more often than any other children's author. She wrote over 700 books and about 2,000 short stories, including favourites such as The Famous Five, The Secret Seven , The Magic Faraway Tree , Malory Towers and Noddy . Born in London in 1897, Enid lived much of her life in Buckinghamshire and adored dogs, gardening and the countryside. She died in 1968 but remains one of the world's best-loved storytellers. Vorwort A collection of stories full of magical creatures and exciting adventures from Enid Blyton, the world's best storyteller. Zusammenfassung A collection of stories full of magical creatures and exciting adventures from Enid Blyton, the world's best storyteller. Get ready to enter a world of hidden treasure, dazzling spells and enchanting tales. From wicked witches stealing from the Fairy Queen, to missing keys in Fairyland, there's magic everywhere in this collection of short stories by Enid Blyton. These traditional tales are ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident readers to read alone. Each story stands alone and is the perfect length for reading at bedtime or in the classroom. Enid Blyton remains one of Britain's favourite children's authors and her bumper short story collections are perfect for introducing her to the latest generation of readers. Read all of Enid Blyton's bumper short story collections. New in 2024: Goodnight Stories Summer Party Stories Magical Stories One-A-Day Christmas Stories *** Enid Blyton® and Enid Blyton's signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner. ...


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