Fr. 26.90

Habits of the Household Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video - Simple Practices to Help You and Your Family Draw Closer to God

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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In this five-session video study, Justin Whitmel Earley provides the practical tools we all need to create daily habits---from mealtimes to bedtimes---in ways that will change our family's spiritual rhythms.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Justin Whitmel Earley is a writer, speaker, and lawyer. He is the author of the award-winning The Common Rule and Habits of the Household, though he spends most days running his business law practice. Through his writing and speaking, Justin empowers God's people to thrive through life-giving habits that form them in the love of God and neighbor. He lives with his wife and four boys in Richmond, Virginia, and spends a lot of time around fires and porches with friends. You can follow him online at


Parenting happens in habits. We make meals, shuttle our kids to events, answer their questions, discipline them, and do bedtime. But did you know that even these ordinary routines can serve as extraordinary opportunities to live out God’s love in profound ways? In Habits of the Household, you will discover simple practices you can implement around your daily routines and seemingly mundane moments that will lead to a lifetime of growing closer to God—both for you and everyone in your home.
Each session includes practical examples of prayers, liturgies, and activities that you and your family can put into practice right away. As you create rhythms around your everyday routines, you will find your family has a greater sense of peace and purpose as your home becomes a place where you learn how to love each other and love God.
This study guide includes:

  • Individual access to five streaming video sessions
  • Schedule for using as a weekend retreat
  • A guide to best practices for leading a group
  • Video notes and a comprehensive structure for group discussion time
  • Personal study for deeper reflection between sessions
  • Includes plans for hosting a weekend retreat for your group or church
Sessions and video run times:
  1. Waking Up to Habits of the Household (17:00)
  2. Habits for Mealtimes & Family Devotions (17:00)
  3. Habits for Screentime & Formation (21:00)
  4. Habits for Using Discipline as Discipleship (16:00)
  5. Habits to Help You Imagine the Future (15:30)
Watch on any device!
Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2029. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.


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