Fr. 33.50

Honeycake - A Helping Hand

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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Medea Kalantar, a Reiki master and practitioner, a Guinness World Record Holder and a multi-award-winning, best-selling author of the Honeycake Book Series¿.

Inspired to write these books when she became a grandmother, Kalantar's stories are based on her own family, whose members come from many ethnic backgrounds. This unique mix is a perfect recipe-just like the spices in a honey cake. That is why she calls her grandchildren her little Honeycakes.

With all the negativity in the world, Medea Kalantar's series is a much-needed glimmer of hope and positivity. The Honeycake Book Series¿ teaches valuable life lessons, giving children the tools to overcome obstacles in their everyday lives.

The Honeycake books teach children about diversity, acceptance, kindness, mindfulness, trust, and gratitude. This series will enlighten, empower, educate, and entertain children and their families for generations to come.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Medea Kalantar, a Reiki Master and Practitioner, is an award-winning author of a new children's book series called Honeycake. Medea was inspired to write these books when she became a grandmother. Her stories are all based on her own family, whose members come from many ethnic backgrounds. This unique mix is a perfect recipe, and it's the reason that she calls her grandchildren her little Honeycakes. With more lovely stories to tell, Honeycake will be followed by a series of books. Each one tells valuable life lessons and gives parents and children the tools to overcome obstacles in their everyday lives. These books will teach children how to do random acts of kindness, have honest and open communication, and practice gratitude. Children will even discover how to meditate and manage their emotions when things don't go their way. Medea writes her stories to help young readers count their blessings and to share positive messages about diverse multicultural families.


Autoren Medea Kalantar, Tbd
Verlag Medea Kalantar
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 11.11.2022
EAN 9781777289768
ISBN 978-1-77728-976-8
Seiten 34
Abmessung 216 mm x 216 mm x 2 mm
Gewicht 89 g
Serie Honeycake
Thema Kinder- und Jugendbücher


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