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Heterosis, Combining Ability Breeding In Cotton

Arabisch · Taschenbuch

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Cotton is an important fibre yielding crop of global importance, which is grown in tropical and subtropical regions of more than 80 countries the world over. It provides livelihood to about sixty million people and is an important agricultural commodity providing remunerative income to million of farmers both in developed and developing countries. In India, inspite of severe competition from synthetic fibres in recent years, it is occupying the premiere position with 70 per cent share in the textile industry.Genetic improvement of both quantitative and qualitative characters is the main interest of plant breeders for which adequate knowledge on genetics of yield and its component characters is very essential. The success of any crop improvement programme lies in the selection of the base material and its creative manipulation. Heterosis, general combining ability and specific combining ability and their variances are very effective genetic parameters of direct utility to decide the next phase of breeding programme.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Researcher- Department of Biotechnology- GCSAR-Damascus- Syria. Ph.D. (Agri) , Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India.M.Sc. (Agri) , Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.


Autoren Yanal Ahmad Al-kuddsi, M. R. Gururaja Rao
Verlag Noor Publishing
Sprache Arabisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 05.12.2018
EAN 9783330973886
ISBN 978-3-330-97388-6
Seiten 180
Abmessung 150 mm x 220 mm x 11 mm
Gewicht 286 g
Thema Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik > Biologie > Genetik, Gentechnik


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