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Careers - The Ultimate Guide to Planning Your Future

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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From robotics engineering and computer games development to environmental law and eco-friendly construction, this job guide features hundreds of careers, including trending opportunities.

Do you have a passion but can't work out how to make a career out of it? Do you want to change your career but don't know where to start? Are you worried about career development? Or are you overwhelmed by so much advice you are lost in a sea of information? You're not the only one - and The Careers Handbook is here to steer you in the right direction.

This indispensable guide is ideal for teenagers and newly qualified graduates. Career counsellors will also find this a trustworthy companion for helping students with their future career planning. So, whether you want to become a nurse or home decorator, a chef or cyber-security analyst (or you simply have no idea!), this book is your ultimate source.

Concise and combining a user-friendly approach with a bold, graphic design, The Careers Handbook is like having your very own career coach.

Über den Autor / die Autorin



From robotics engineering and computer games development to environmental law and eco-friendly construction, this job guide features hundreds of careers, including trending opportunities.

Do you have a passion but can’t work out how to make a career out of it? Do you want to change your career but don’t know where to start? Are you worried about career development? Or are you overwhelmed by so much advice you are lost in a sea of information? You’re not the only one – and Careers is here to steer you in the right direction.
This indispensable guide is ideal for teenagers and newly qualified graduates. Career counsellors will also find this a trustworthy companion for helping students with their future career planning. So, whether you want to become a nurse or home decorator, a chef or cyber-security analyst (or you simply have no idea!), this book is your ultimate source. 
Concise and combining a user-friendly approach with a bold, graphic design, Careers is like having your very own career coach.


Autoren DK
Verlag Dorling Kindersley USA
Sprache Englisch
Altersempfehlung ab 12 Jahren
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 22.03.2022
EAN 9780744051728
ISBN 978-0-7440-5172-8
Seiten 320
Abmessung 184 mm x 226 mm x 21 mm
Thema Kinder- und Jugendbücher > Sachbücher / Sachbilderbücher > Recht, Wirtschaft


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