Fr. 29.40

Falling into Place and Same Beach Every Time

Englisch · Taschenbuch

Versand in der Regel in 1 bis 2 Wochen (Titel wird auf Bestellung gedruckt)


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This book contains two chapbooks of poetry. Falling into Place takes you through the course of a romance that is destined to fail. Starting from the butterflies that come with falling in love and ending with the sinking of the heart that comes with a break up. Same Beach Every Time tells the story of struggles with work, school, and personal life; escaping it by sending the mind back to the same beach in Southern California. While the poetry is personal to the author, the reader might find comfort in these situations a lot of people can relate to.


Autoren O. N. Briggs, Tbd
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 12.03.2020
EAN 9781796086133
ISBN 978-1-79608-613-3
Seiten 54
Thema Belletristik > Lyrik, Dramatik


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