Fr. 175.00

Radical Botany - Plants and Speculative Fiction

Englisch · Fester Einband

Versand in der Regel in 2 bis 3 Wochen (Titel wird auf Bestellung gedruckt)


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Natania Meeker (Author)
Natania Meeker is Associate Professor of French and Comparative Literature at the University of Southern California. She is the author of Voluptuous Philosophy: Literary Materialism in the French Enlightenment.
Ant¿nia Szabari (Author)
Ant¿nia Szabari is Associate Professor of French and Comparative Literature at the University of Southern California. She is the author of Less Rightly Said: Scandals and Readers in Sixteenth-Century France.


Preface | vii

1. Radical Botany: An Introduction | 1

2. Libertine Botany and Vegetal Modernity | 28

3. Plant Societies and Enlightened Vegetality | 56

4. The Inorganic Plant in the Romantic Garden | 86

5. The End of the World by Other Means | 114

6. Plant Horror: Love Your Own Pod | 144

7. Becoming Plant Nonetheless | 171

Acknowledgments | 203

Notes | 205

Works Cited | 253

Index | 269

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Natania Meeker and Antónia Szabari


Radical Botany uncovers a speculative tradition that conjures new languages to grasp the life of plants in all its specificity and vigor. Plants complement and challenge notions of human life. The book traces the implications of the speculative mobilization of plants within literature and art for feminism, queer studies, and posthumanist thought.


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