Fr. 63.00

Ma - Materiality in Teaching and Learning

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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Ma is a curriculum. The Japanese concept of ma refers to the interval between two markers. Ma is somatically constructed by a deliberate, attentive consciousness to what simultaneously is expressed, repressed, or suppressed between two structures. In a dialectic exploration, the spaces between-private/public, teacher/student, old/new, self/other, among others-are probed in ways that contribute to the significant research in teaching and learning that has been undertaken in the last few decades.
Material culture is the study of belief systems, behaviours, and perceptions through artefacts and physical objects and is central to the socialization of human beings into culture. The analysis of cultural materials offers sites for concretizing the self and the self in context. New materiality challenges assumptions and clichés and allows for possibilities not yet imagined, perhaps even inconceivable possibilities. New materiality approaches accept that matter itself has agency. As such, this book investigates the intersections at the core of ma, engagements wherein the investigations create something new, in order to demonstrate the layers of the teaching and learning self.
Interpretations of the concept of ma articulate new definitions to improve the conditions, practices, products, and pedagogies of being a teacher/learner in the twenty-first century. Ma is a site for epistemological understandings, threshold learnings, and self and curriculum becomings.


Figures - Pauline Sameshima: Ma, I'm Thinking About Nothing - Heesoon Bai/Avraham Cohen: Ma ( ) of Education - Jun Hu: Ma as a Machinic Component - Summer Dickinson: Ma-ga-warui: Disruptive Sensations in Somaesthetic-Minded Teaching and Learning - Dustin Garnet/Anita Sinner: The Story-Object: Embodying (New) Materiality in Teaching and Learning - Erika Hasebe-Ludt: Of Lanterns and Liminal Moments: Living Curriculum in the Key of Ted Tetsuo Aoki - Sean Wiebe: Breathe with the Magnificent Materiality of Being: Haiku, Ma, and Kokoro - Boyd White: Aesthetic Encounters and Ethics: The Space Between - Nathalie Duponsel/Sandra Chang-Kredl: Mind with Matter: A Conversation About Math Education and New Materialism - Aaron Senitt: Inside Outside Upside Down - Holly Tsun Haggarty: In Between the Markers: Ma and the Art of Evaluation - Christina Hanawalt: Disrupting the Spectacle of School Art through Collage: New Art Teachers and In Between Spaces of Possibility - Joana Hyatt: Drawing New Images of Thought: Mapping Relations and Negotiating Meanings through the Material - Lisa Hochtritt: Pulp Fiction: Creating a Visual Leadership Philosophy - Briana Bower: "These Are My Objects": Exploring Materiality with Students - Yoriko Gillard: Living Practice of - Siobhan-Louise O'Keefe: Materiality: MA Provoked/MA Discovered/MA Embraced - Sheila O'Brien: What Matters: A Tale of "Ma" - Carl Leggo: Ma: Lingering in the Alphabet - Kedrick James: Spring - Tone Pernille Østern: Teacher-Thinking as Embodied Matter Producing and Produced by Pedagogical Spaces: A Research Journey with Two Contemporary Dance Artist-Teachers - Barbara Bickel/Nané Jordan/Medwyn McConachy/Ingrid Rose/Cindy Lou Griffith: MA Poses: A New Material Feminist Art Practice - Wanda Hurren: Ma: Spaces for Thinking in 13 Haibuns - Contributors - Index.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Pauline Sameshima, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Arts Integrated Studies at Lakehead University, utilizes multi-modal methodologies to catalyze thinking, dialogues, and social innovation.
Boyd White is Associate Professor in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education, Faculty of Education, McGill University.
Anita Sinner is Associate Professor of Art Education at Concordia University, Montreal.


"Reading Ma gave me a jolt, a shock of recognition that phenomenologists point to as reminders of our bodily and material experiences of life. When so much of our lives can seem ephemeral and detached from lived experiences, and when changes in the physical and natural world can seem overwhelming, the concept of 'ma' invites us to explore the productive tensions often obscured by cultural abstractions and binary distinctions. The return to materiality, to arti-fact-making, weaving and the physical resonances that are gifts of poetry, narrative, and other forms of art, suggest rich forms of inquiry into teachers' and teachers-to-be lives and identities. This book registers a profound hope: that we can create meaning in relation to the material world but not apart from it." Hans Smits, Associate Professor Emeritus, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary


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