Fr. 61.60

Through the Thicket

Englisch, Maltesisch · Taschenbuch

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Unceremoniously dismissed from his lectureship in New Testament, Dr. Edward J. Sutherland uses his forced retirement to struggle through a thicket of end-times issues in a conservative church. Interaction with a defense lawyer induces him to reconsider his inherited eschatology by engaging honestly with the biblical text. He faces conflict within himself, with a crusading dispensationalist, church elders, a newly appointed American pastor, and a militant atheist.
Set in the Sunshine Coast of subtropical Australia, the book goes beyond entertaining through romance, touches of humor, and conflict resolution. Readers are exposed to vigorous discussions: at a surf club, a backyard barbecue, a second-coming conference, in a neighbor's lounge room, or via email. They are forced to examine their presuppositions on topics including the rapture, the antichrist, the tribulation, the purpose of Christ's second coming, and the kingdom of God. Whether they alter their views on such topics is less important than that they cultivate sound principles of biblical interpretation, uphold the integrity of Jesus and the biblical authors, and respect fellow Christians with whom they disagree.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Ivan Bowden, now retired, lectured in theology, hermeneutics, homiletics, and New Testament Greek at Bible colleges in Australia for over thirty-five years, particularly at the Bible College of Queensland, now Brisbane School of Theology.


Autoren Ivan W. Bowden
Verlag Resource Publications
Sprache Englisch, Maltesisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 22.12.2017
EAN 9781532634390
ISBN 978-1-5326-3439-0
Seiten 334
Abmessung 152 mm x 229 mm x 18 mm
Gewicht 485 g
Thema Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik > Religion/Theologie > Christentum


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