Fr. 15.50

Christmas at Little Beach Street Bakery

Englisch · Taschenbuch

Versand in der Regel in 1 bis 3 Arbeitstagen


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Welcome back to Mount Polbearne! The new book from Top Ten bestseller Jenny Colgan is full of festive joy, warmth and the best hot chocolate you can imagine...

It's Christmas in the Cornish coastal village of Mount Polbearne - a time for family, friends and feasting.

Polly Waterford loves running the Little Beach Street Bakery. She's at her happiest when she's creating delicious treats and the festive season always inspires her to bake and knead something extra special for the village residents. In fact, the only thing she loves more than her bakery is curling up with her gorgeous boyfriend, Huckle. She's determined that this Christmas is going to be their best one yet, but life doesn't always work out as planned...

When Polly's best friend Kerensa turns up with a secret that threatens the life Polly and Huckle have built together, the future begins to look uncertain. And then a face from Polly's past reappears and things become even more complicated. Polly can usually find solace in baking but she has a feeling that's not going to be enough this time. Can she get things back on track so that everyone has a merry Christmas?

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Jenny Colgan, geboren 1972 in Ayrshire, studierte in Edinburgh und lebt mittlerweile in London. Sie arbeitete sechs Jahre lang als Angestellte im englischen Gesundheitswesen, hatte aber erheblich mehr Spaß an ihren beiden Nebenbeschäftigungen: Cartoons zeichnen und als Komödiantin in Clubs auftreten. "Amandas Hochzeit" ist ihr erster Roman und sorgte in der internationalen Verlagsbranche sofort für Furore, nachdem der renommierte Verlag HarperCollins ihn für eine enorm hohe Summe erwarb. Nach dem überwältigenden Erfolg von "Amandas Hochzeit" hat Jenny Colgan ihren Job gekündigt und widmet sich nun ganz dem Schreiben.


Welcome back to Mount Polbearne! The new book from Top Ten bestseller Jenny Colgan is full of festive joy, warmth and the best hot chocolate you can imagine...

It's Christmas in the Cornish coastal village of Mount Polbearne - a time for family, friends and feasting.

Polly Waterford loves running the Little Beach Street Bakery. She's at her happiest when she's creating delicious treats and the festive season always inspires her to bake and knead something extra special for the village residents. In fact, the only thing she loves more than her bakery is curling up with her gorgeous boyfriend, Huckle. She's determined that this Christmas is going to be their best one yet, but life doesn't always work out as planned...

When Polly's best friend Kerensa turns up with a secret that threatens the life Polly and Huckle have built together, the future begins to look uncertain. And then a face from Polly's past reappears and things become even more complicated. Polly can usually find solace in baking but she has a feeling that's not going to be enough this time. Can she get things back on track so that everyone has a merry Christmas?


Cosy up for a Cornish Christmas with top ten Sunday Times bestselling author Jenny Colgan!


A funny, feel-good novel


This is the perfect book to curl up with... the mouthwatering descriptions of baked goods will make it hard to stave off the Christmas pounds Express


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