Fr. 37.80

A Dragon's Family Album

Englisch · Fester Einband

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This collection contains Dragos Takes a Holiday, Pia Saves the Day, and Peanut Goes to School (two novellas and a short story in the Elder Races series, previously published separately). All three stories focus on the Cuelebres, the First Family of the Wyr.

Dragos Takes a Holiday: When the Cuelebre family heads to Bermuda for some much needed R&R, it's no ordinary weekend in the sun. Between Pirates, treasure hunting, and a baby dragon... what could possibly go wrong?

Pia Saves the Day: The Cuelebres have moved to upstate New York where they finally have the space to indulge their Wyr side, and Liam can grow in safety. Their idyllic situation is shattered when Dragos is injured and stripped of his memory. Without Pia's taming influence, there's nothing holding back Dragos's darkest side.

Peanut Goes to School: Dragos Cuelebre is no longer the only dragon. At just six months of age, Liam has already grown to the size of a large five-year-old boy. In an effort to give him a taste of normality, his parents enroll him in first grade. But school has a surprising number of pitfalls, and Liam is fast becoming one of the most dangerous creatures in all of the Elder Races.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Thea Harrison resides in California. She wrote her first book, a romance, when she was nineteen and had sixteen romances published under the name Amanda Carpenter. She took a break from writing to collect a couple of graduate degrees and a grown child. Her graduate degrees are in Philanthropic Studies and Library Information Science, but her first love has always been writing fiction. You can check out her website at:, and also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.


Autoren Thea Harrison
Verlag Teddy Harrison LLC
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Fester Einband
Erschienen 20.04.2016
EAN 9780997120080
ISBN 978-0-9971200-8-0
Seiten 356
Abmessung 132 mm x 209 mm x 23 mm
Gewicht 476 g
Thema Belletristik > Science Fiction, Fantasy


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