Fr. 10.50

Holy Bible - New International Version, Army, Military Edition

Englisch · Taschenbuch

Versand in der Regel in 1 bis 3 Wochen (kurzfristig nicht lieferbar)


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Zusammenfassung Portable Bible with added content for those in the Military featuring a digi camo cover design. Military men and women in all branches of the service will treasure this convenient compact size Bible. The NIV Holy Bible! Military Edition carries the popular digi camo design and includes added content unique to those serving in the military. Features include: Full text of the accurate! readable and clear New International Version (NIV) Suggested order of worship for a simplified service with prayers! hymns! and sermon suggestions “Basic Spiritual Training” highlights some of the basic elements of the story of the Bible 2 maps representing Ancient Middle East and Modern Middle East Cover design features the popular digi camo print Double-column format 6.6-point type size The New International Version (NIV) is the world’s bestselling modern-English Bible translation—accurate! readable! and clear! yet rich with the detail found in the original languages. The NIV is the result of over 50 years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation! who oversee the efforts of many contributing scholars. Representing the spectrum of evangelicalism! the translators come from a wide range of denominations and various countries and continually review new research to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility! relevance! and authority. Every NIV Bible that is purchased helps Biblica translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world.


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