Fr. 109.20

Adventures of a Brahmin Priest - My Travels in the 1857 Rebellion

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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Informationen zum Autor Vishnubhat Godes was an Indian traveller and a Marathi writer. Priya Adarkar was born in Mumbai in 1939 and educated at Channing School, London and Somerville College, Oxford where she read English language and literature.Shanta Gokhale is a bilingual columnist, novelist, playwright, scriptwriter, and translator based in Mumbai. Klappentext History-travelogue-autobiography, Mazha Pravas is all of these, none of these, and a bit of each being the first eye-witness Indian account of the upheavals and changing fortunes during the Rebellion of 1857. Godse's narration plunges the reader straight into the heart of turbulent times and offers a slice of history that has impacted popular imagination for the last one hundred and fifty years. Zusammenfassung History-travelogue-autobiography, Mazha Pravas is all of these, none of these, and a bit of each being the first eye-witness Indian account of the upheavals and changing fortunes during the Rebellion of 1857. Godse's narration plunges the reader straight into the heart of turbulent times and offers a slice of history that has impacted popular imagination for the last one hundred and fifty years. Inhaltsverzeichnis Preface by Datto Waman Potdar Chintamanrao Vaidya's Letter Translators' Notes Introduction Adventures of a Brahmin Priest: My Travels in the 1857 Rebellion Glossary About the Author and the Translators


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