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Stolen - Book 2 in the Women of the Otherworld Series

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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Zusatztext Armstrong's true achievement is her depiction of werewolf nature in believably human context ...the sensuality of Elena's transformations and the viciousness of her kills mesh perfectly with her tough personality. Informationen zum Autor Kelley Armstrong lives in rural Ontario, Canada, with her family and far too many pets. She is the author of the international bestselling Women of the Otherworld series, and many other highly acclaimed novels, including the Darkest Powers and Darkness Rising YA trilogies, and the Cainsville series. Klappentext * Reissue of this classic Women of the Otherworld title in the new Kelley Armstrong cover style* Reissue of this classic Women of the Otherworld title in the new Kelley Armstrong cover style Zusammenfassung * Reissue of this classic Women of the Otherworld title in the new Kelley Armstrong cover style


Autoren Kelley Armstrong, Armstrong Kelley
Verlag Orbit
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 06.05.2010
EAN 9781841499192
ISBN 978-1-84149-919-2
Seiten 480
Abmessung 128 mm x 198 mm x 32 mm
Serien Otherworld
Themen Belletristik > Science Fiction, Fantasy
Belletristik > Science Fiction, Fantasy > Fantasy

Urban Fantasy, FICTION / Thrillers / Supernatural, FICTION / Fantasy / Contemporary, FICTION / Fantasy / Paranormal, FICTION / Fantasy / Urban, FICTION / Thrillers / Suspense


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