Fr. 135.00

State Rankings 2011 - A Statistical View of America

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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Informationen zum Autor Rachel Boba Santos is an associate professor at Florida Atlantic University in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. She works with police departments and conducts research on police accountability! the effectiveness of crime reduction efforts by police! and crime analysis. Kathleen O'Leary Morgan holds a master's degree in public administration and has served in a number of media and legislative liaison positions with the U.S. Department of Transportation! where she was also deputy director of congressional affairs. Scott Morgan is an attorney who served as chief counsel to Senator Bob Dole's 1988 presidential campaign. Klappentext How does your state fare in terms of air quality or population growth? Is it keeping up with national education standards? State Rankings 2011 is CQ Press's popular rankings reference book that makes it easy to compare states in education! health! crime! transportation! taxes! government finance! and so much more. State Rankings has become a favorite resource on reference shelves throughout the United States and around the world.The editors have compiled useful statistics that would otherwise take an enormous amount of time to research. In more than 550 user-friendly tables! State Rankings 2011 compares every state and Washington! DC! in the following areas: Agriculture Population Economy Environment Government finance Crime Education Geography Social welfare Defence Health Energy Housing The formula and methodology are discussed in a narrative chapter allowing researchers to cite statistics with context. Zusammenfassung How does your state fare in terms of air quality or population growth? Is it keeping up with national education standards? This title makes it easy to compare states in education! health! crime! transportation! taxes! government finance! and more. It compares various states and Washington! DC. ...


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