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Mirage - Oregon File: Book 9

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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Zusatztext “Rousing…The conclusion is the usual Cussler nail-biter.”— Publishers Weekly “Full of action! death-defying escapes! heart-stopping scenes! and a cast of characters that you will not forget.”— Suspense Magazine “Fans can depend on [the Oregon Files] to deliver action and adventure.”— Booklist Informationen zum Autor Clive Cussler  is the author or coauthor of over fifty previous books in five bestselling series! including Dirk Pitt®! NUMA® Files!  Oregon ®   Files! Isaac Bell! and Sam and Remi Fargo. His nonfiction works include  Built for Adventure :  The Classic Automobiles of Clive Cussler and Dirk Pitt ! and  Built to Thrill: More Classic Automobiles from Clive Cussler and Dirk Pitt!  plus  The Sea Hunters  and  The Sea Hunters II ; these describe the true adventures of the real NUMA! which! led by Cussler! searches for lost ships of historic significance. With his crew of volunteers! Cussler has discovered more than sixty ships! including the long-lost Confederate ship  Hunley.  He lives in Colorado and Arizona. Jack Du Brul is the author of the Philip Mercer series! and the coauthor with Cussler of six Oregon Files novels. He lives in Vermont. From the Hardcover edition. Zusammenfassung Chairman of the  Oregon!  Juan Cabrillo! is on a rescue mission when a  high-profile Russian prisoner  warns of a  weapon designed by one of America's greatest inventors  in this #1 New York Times–bestselling series by the grand master of adventure. In October 1943! a U.S. destroyer sailed out of Philadelphia and supposedly vanished! the result of a Navy experiment with electromagnetic radiation. The story was considered a hoax—but now Juan Cabrillo and his Oregon colleagues aren’t so sure. There is talk of a new weapon soon to be auctioned! something very dangerous to America’s interests! and the rumors link it to the great inventor Nikola Tesla! who was working with the Navy when he died in 1943. Was he responsible for the experiment? Are his notes in the hands of enemies? As Cabrillo races to find the truth! he discovers there is even more at stake than he could have imagined—but by the time he realizes it! he may already be too late. ...


Autoren Du Brul, Jack Du Brul, Cussle, Cliv Cussler, Clive Cussler, Jack du Brul
Verlag Berkley Publishing Group
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 10.10.2014
EAN 9780425273678
ISBN 978-0-425-27367-8
Seiten 329
Abmessung 105 mm x 171 mm x 22 mm
Serien The Oregon Files
Die Juan-Cabrillo-Romane
The Oregon Files
Juan Cabrillo
The Oregon Files / Die Juan-Cabrillo-Abenteuer
Themen Belletristik > Spannung
Belletristik > Spannung > Krimis, Thriller, Spionage


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