
My Grandfather's Gallery

Englisch · Taschenbuch


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On 20 September 1940, Paul Rosenberg disembarked in New York, just one of hundreds of tired Jewish refugees fleeing Vichy France. Leaving behind his celebrated Paris gallery, Paul had managed to save his family; his paintings weren't all so fortunate. Some - the Picassos at MoMA's first retrospective - were already safely abroad. But dozens of works by Cézanne, Monet and Sisley were seized by Nazi forces, destined for Swiss galleries and private collections.

Drawing on her grandfather's astonishingly intimate correspondence with Picasso, Matisse, Braque and others, Anne Sinclair takes us on a personal journey through the life of a fêted member of the Parisian art scene and a friend to the greatest artists of the century. But Paul's flight from his beloved gallery to exile in New York also tells a darker story, emblematic of the millions of Jews, rich and poor, who lost everything in the Second World War.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Die französische Starjournalistin Anne Sinclair ist die Enkelin des berühmten Kunsthändlers und Galeristen Paul Rosenberg. Fünfzehn Jahre lang moderierte sie die populäre und mehrfach preisgekrönte Fernseh-Interviewsendung Sept sur Sept. Anne Sinclair ist Autorin mehrerer Bücher und leitet die französische Ausgabe der Huffington Post. Sie ist mit dem Politiker Dominique Strauss-Kahn verheiratet.


In 1940, the great Paris art dealer Paul Rosenberg-patron of Picasso, Braque, and Matisse-was stripped of his citizenship by Vichy law and forced into exile in New York. Today, his granddaughter, Anne Sinclair, delves deep into family archives to give us an intimate memoir that is also a detective story and a cultural history of war. Sinclair's captivating tale of two cities will change the way we look at modern art. Alice Kaplan


Autoren Anne Sinclair
Verlag Serpent's Tail
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 01.09.2014
EAN 9781781251010
ISBN 978-1-78125-101-0
Abmessung 145 mm x 230 mm x 30 mm
Thema Sachbuch > Philosophie, Religion > Biographien, Autobiographien


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