Fr. 313.20

Mas Alla De Las Palabras - Intermediate Spanish

Spanisch · Taschenbuch

Versand in der Regel in 1 bis 3 Wochen (kurzfristig nicht lieferbar)


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Mas all de las palabras, 3rd edition ensures a smooth transition between the first and second year of language study. With rich and effective integration of culture and language, each chapter focuses on a set of topics related to a broad cultural theme and fully integrates it with language development. A motivational approach introduces literature with selections that reflect one of the chapter's cultural themes and activities that require students to interact personally with the text. Development strategies for all four skills prepare students for future courses in composition, conversation, literature, and civilization.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Dr. Olga Gallego?is the Elementary Spanish Program Director of the Romance Languages and Literature Department at the University of Michigan. She received her doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania in 1993. Her research interests include foreign/second language pedagogy and acquisition, with a special emphasis in the development of pedagogical materials for the foreign language classroom.


Perfeccione sus habilidades para hablar espanol, mientras explora las comunidades hispanas del mundo real Ahora en la 3* edicion, Mas alla de las palabras, le ayuda a hacer una transicion facil entre su primer y segundo ano de estudios del idioma.


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