Fr. 144.00

Performance - The Dynamic of Results in Postsecondary Organizations

Englisch · Fester Einband

Versand in der Regel in mind. 4 Wochen (Titel wird speziell besorgt)


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Informationen zum Autor Richard Alfred is emeritus professor of higher education in the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education at the University of Michigan and the author of more than 150 books, articles, and monographs on organizational strategy, leadership and management, institutional effectiveness, and change management. His book Managing the Big Picture in Colleges and Universities: From Tactics to Strategy ushered in a new way of thinking about leadership and management in colleges and universities. Kathryn Thirolf is a doctoral candidate in higher education at the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education at the University of Michigan. Prior to coming to Michigan, Kate was a University Management Fellow at Harvard University and a Princeton-in-Asia Fellow Penang, Malaysia.Nathan Harris is a doctoral candidate in higher education in the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education at the University of Michigan. Previously, Nate worked at the Corporate Executive Board in Washington, D.C. advising Fortune 500 companies, colleges and universities, and federal government agencies on performance assessment and strategic human resources. James Webb is associate professor of finance and accounting in the Crowell School of Business at Biola University. Webb is a Certified Public Accountant with eight years of professional experience in public and industry accounting. Klappentext Understanding and improving performance in organizations is the topic of this book. Most books on performance are written from a singular point of view and do not effectively integrate objective, subjective, and cognitive perspectives on performance. Performance: The Dynamic of Results in Colleges and Universities bridges this gap by bringing readers into contact with different dimensions or "domains" of performance and describing the contribution of each to what organizations do, how they are perceived, and what they must do to improve. This book views organizational performance through multiple lenses of objective, subjective, and cognitive perspectives. By looking at performance through the different domains, readers can best understand what colleges and universities do, how they are perceived, and what they must do to improve to meet the challenges of the 21st Century....


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