Fr. 23.90

Getting from College to Career

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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Zusatztext "I find Lindsey's advice on how to stand apart from the competition to be extremely valuable - especially as it relates to entrepreneurs?Getting From College to Career is a great read and a book I thoroughly enjoyed!" Informationen zum Autor Lindsey Pollak is the leading expert on succeeding in today’s mul­tigenerational workplace. She is an international key­note speaker and the New York Times bestselling author of four career and workplace advice books. She served for six years as an official ambassador for LinkedIn, and her speaking audiences and consulting clients have included more than three hundred universities, corporations, law firms, conferences, and nonprofit organizations. Her insights have appeared in media outlets such as the Today show, CNBC, the Har­vard Business Review , and the Wall Street Journal . Lindsey is a graduate of Yale University. Klappentext Get Ready for the Real World How do you get a job without experience and get experience without a job? It’s the question virtually every college student or recent graduate faces. Now newly revised and updated, Lindsey Pollak’s Getting from College to Career is the definitive guide to building the experience, skills, and confidence you need to succeed in the job search, offering action-oriented tips and strategies ranging from the simple to the expert. Learn how to: Get the best tools for career prep and job hunting E-mail like a professional Go global Practice the eight essentials of internship achievement Perform five minutes of stand-up Overprepare for interviews Persist without being a pest Getting from College to Career gives you the essential information and guidance you need to get your foot in the door of the real world. Don’t start your first job search without it! Zusammenfassung “A well-written! lively and easy to follow guide.” — “Perfect for today’s students! who inevitably want what they want (and only that!) when they want it.” — Campus Career Advisor Getting from College to Career by Career Expert and Global Spokesperson for LinkedIn! Lindsey Pollak! is an insightful! essential world guide for college students and recent graduates who are preparing to embark upon a career beyond the university walls. Now newly revised to reflect the most recent changes in the economy and job market! these “90 things to do before you join the real world” will give every young grad a head start! providing essential information for adapting to and succeeding in a marketplace that is now more competitive than ever. ...


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