
The Shifting Tide

Englisch · Fester Einband


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When the Maude Idris docks at the Pool of London, laden with ebony, spices and first-grade tusks of ivory collected from her voyage to Zanzibar, Clement Louvain leaves four armed seamen on board to guard the precious cargo. But as soon as the relief for the night watch arrives ready for duty in the morning, he finds the ivory gone and one of the seamen dead.

Hindered by his ignorance of the river and its customs, and ashamed of the fact that he so badly requires the huge fees that Louvain is prepared to pay, William Monk nevertheless begins his investigation into the theft and murder.

Meanwhile Hester's work at the refuge at Portpool Lane is encountering acute financial difficulties. Sick prostitutes are arriving daily and the medicines needed to help them are running out. When a man arrives promising to pay a huge amount of money for the care of one particular woman, Hester is astonished to meet him. He is none other than Clement Louvain. So who is the woman he is so generously helping? And why is he offering such a substantial sum? Will Monk discover what Louvain is hiding before it is too late?

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Anne Perry, 1938 in London geboren, musste als Zehnjährige wegen ihrer angegriffenen Gesundheit England verlassen und verbrachte einen Teil ihrer Jugend in Neuseeland und auf den Bahamas. Schon früh begann sie zu schreiben. Mittlerweile begeistert sie mit ihrem Helden, dem Privatdetektiv William Monk, sowie dem Detektivgespann Thomas und Charlotte Pitt ein Millionenpublikum. Die Autorin lebt in Suffolk.


'Anne Perry not only writes a dashed good story but almost outdoes Dickens for atmosphere and portrayal of the sleazy side of life' Northern Echo, 24/2/04 Northern Echo


Verlag Headline
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Fester Einband
Erschienen 02.02.2004
EAN 9780747268970
ISBN 978-0-7472-6897-0
Abmessung 160 mm x 240 mm x 25 mm
Thema Belletristik > Spannung > Krimis, Thriller, Spionage


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