Fr. 22.50



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Ulteriori informazioni

2024 release. Celebrating 40 years in 2024, Capercaillie present ReLoved, an album of new symphonic arrangements recorded with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and with new arrangements from Greg Lawson (Grit Orchestra), Donald Shaw and Kate St John. Widely respected trailblazers of Celtic music, Capercaillie are credited with being the major force in bringing Gaelic music to the world stage and inspiring the great resurgence so evident today. Comprising of material from their much-loved repertoire, ReLoved encapsulates the spirit of Capercaillie - with strident waulking songs collected from the Hebrides such as Hi Ri'm Bo and Mile Marbhaisg; hypnotic groove infused instrumentals; epic modern ballads such as Manus Lunny's Servant To The Slave; and poignant love songs like Iain Ghlinn Cuaich.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Interpreti Capercaillie
Genere Folk
Contenuto CD
Data pubblicazione 07.06.2024




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