Fr. 40.50

O.M.Y. Solo Works (Japan Edition)


Japan Edition

Tempi di consegna indeterminati


Ulteriori informazioni

Legendary techno unit O.M.Y., celebrating it's 30th anniversary, will reissue 6 titles at once! Oriental Magnetic Yellow, the legendary techno unit that Kraftwerk may or may not have thrown it's hat into the ring and DEVO may or may not have raved about. In 2024, the 30th anniversary of O.M.Y., a group of game music composers at Namco at the time, will reissue six of their hard-to-find works in a remastered edition CD!! The 5th 'O.M.Y. Solo Works' is a project disc featuring solo works by the members. The album features a variety of mountain weather-like songs, with each track having a completely different atmosphere.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Interpreti Oriental Magnetic Yellow
Genere Techno, Trance
Contenuto CD
Data pubblicazione 22.03.2024
Versione Japan Edition


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