Fr. 40.50

Hemat (2023 Reissue, Japan Edition)


Japan Edition

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2001 CD reissue of this psychedelic underground masterpiece from 1970, with a 12-page booklet, including English liner notes and photos. Includes one bonus track not found on the original LP. Recorded 1968-69, digitally remastered in 2001. The lone album by this post-International Harvester group, originally issued in 1970, once again led by the academic tape-composer turned radical folkie psychedelicist Bo Anders Persson. Accompanied by an able body of co-conspirators including Thomas Gartz (drummer/glue of the Mecki Mark Men, whose LPs on the Limelight label are not to be missed), Torbjörn Abelli, and let's not forget Ulla on small cymbals. Thunder-plod of magnificent tidal proportions, recalling the burnt splendor of the Träd Gräs och Stenar Live Gardet 1970 set - TGOS in fact were nothing more than a stripped down quartet version of Harvester! Another piece to the incestuous little jigsaw that was the 1967-1972 Swedish druggist music school dropout sector. Completely burnt, devoid of restraint, massive (some of the best sounding drums this side of Zeppelin, to boot). Blown through and through and through.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Interpreti Harvester
Genere Independent, Punk
Contenuto CD
Data pubblicazione 26.01.2024
Edizione 2023 Reissue
Versione Japan Edition



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