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Ulteriori informazioni

I, Claudius is a 1976 BBC Television adaptation of Robert Graves' I, Claudius and Claudius the God. Written by Jack Pulman, it proved one of the corporation's most successful drama serials of all time. It starred Derek Jacobi as Claudius, with Siân Phillips, Brian Blessed, John Hurt, and Patrick Stewart.

I, Claudius follows the history of Rome, narrated by the elderly Claudius, from the death of Marcellus, nephew and son-in-law of Augustus, in the first episode to Claudius' own death in the last. The series opens with Augustus, the emperor of Rome, attempting to find an heir, and his wife Livia plotting to elevate her own son Tiberius to this position. The plotting and double-crossing continue for many decades, through the conspiracy of Sejanus and the rule of the lunatic emperor Caligula, culminating in Claudius' seemingly accidental rise to power.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Attore Brian Blessed, John Hurt, Derek Jakobi, Sian Phillips, David Robb, Patrick Stewart, Fiona Walker
Label BBC
Genere Ritratto, Biografia
Contenuto 5 DVD
Età consigliata 15 anni
Data pubblicazione 17.04.2023
Edizione Repackaged, BBC
Audio Inglese
Titolo originale I, Claudius
Versione UK Version
Codice regionale 2, 4

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Recensioni dei clienti

  • wenn man mit der...

    Scritta il 06. gennaio 2007 da caligula.
    Questa recensione si riferisce a una versione alternativa.

    ...römischen geschichte vertraut ist, absolut zu empfehlen! diese edition erzählt die geschichte der julisch-claudischen kaiser-dynastie, gewürzt mit ein wenig britischem humor.

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