Fr. 32.50

Love Songs by Schumann and Brahms

Inglese · DVD

Spedizione di solito entro 1 a 3 giorni lavorativi

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Ulteriori informazioni

"They languish until the last encore" Wiener Zeitung, "A deeply felt, rapturous performance" The Guardian A radiant concert at the Great Golden Hall of the Wiener Musikverein: Diana Damrau and Jonas Kaufmann, luminaries of the classical realm and celebrated interpreters of Lieder, breathe life into love songs of two titans of romanticism, Robert Schumann and Johannes Brahms. They explore love's myriad dimensions through soul-stirring solos and mesmerizing duets in a journey through a kaleidoscope of emotions, from reverie and yearning to the bliss of fulfillment, tempered by moments of heartache, resignation, and sacrifice, charming and moving. Adding to the magic is their esteemed collaborator at the piano, the incomparable Helmut Deutsch, whose artistry enhances every note and infuses the music with an undeniable depth of expression.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Compositori Robert Schumann (1810-1856), Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Interpreti Diana Damrau, Jonas Kaufmann, Helmut Deutsch
Genere Classique
Contenuto DVD
Data pubblicazione 31.05.2024
Audio Tedesco (DTS 5.0), Tedesco (PCM Stereo)
Sottotitoli Inglese, Tedesco, Coreano, Giapponese
Durata 101 Minuti
Formato 16/9, NTSC
Titolo originale Love Songs by Schumann and Brahms
Codice regionale 0


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