Fr. 31.50

The Watch - Season 1 (2 Blu-ray)

Inglese · Blu-ray

UK Version

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The Watch follows an unlikely group of misfits, The City Watch, who are forced to find the guts to save the world, surprising even themselves in the process. The comedic yet thrilling eight-part series pits trolls, werewolves and other improbable heroes against an evil plot to resurrect a great dragon which would lead to the destruction of life as they know it.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Attore Richard Dormer, Lara Rossi, Adam Hugill, Marama Corlett, Jo Eaton-Kent, Samuel Adewummi
Label Bbc Worldwide
Genere Drammatico
Contenuto 2 Blu-ray
Età consigliata 12 anni
Data pubblicazione 01.11.2021
Audio Inglese (Dolby Digital)
Durata 6h 0min
Formato 16/9
Titolo originale The Watch
Versione UK Version
Codice regionale B

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