Fr. 53.50

Babylon - Complete Collection (2 Blu-ray)

Inglese · Blu-ray

US Version | Codice regionale A
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Everything can be connected to something else if you dig hard enough, and when you're investigating a crime, it usually doesn't take too long before you start finding the clues you need, if you know where to look. When Public Prosecutor Zen Seizaki starts investigating a case of apparent fraud by a major pharmaceutical company, however, he quickly finds himself entangled in a nightmarish web of lies, intrigue and murder on a global scale. And even worse, how can he fight a foe without a face, one that's protected by members of the highest echelons of society and government, and seems to be able to convince it's own victims to kill themselves? The nightmares of modern science are powered by old-fashioned corruption and greed, and one man may be the only force that can stop them in BABYLON.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Regista Kiyotaka Suzuki
Label SECTION 23
Genere Anime
Contenuto 2 Blu-ray
Età consigliata 16 anni
Data pubblicazione 11.05.2021
Audio Inglese (DTS HD Master Audio 2.0), Giapponese (DTS HD Master Audio 2.0)
Sottotitoli Inglese
Durata 5h 0min
Formato 16/9
Anno di produzione 2019
Versione US Version
Codice regionale A

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