Fr. 30.50

Mister Roberts (1955) (Warner Archive Collection)

Inglese · Blu-ray

US Version | Codice regionale A
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Ulteriori informazioni

MISTER ROBERTS - The USS Reluctant carries cargo along World War IIs forgotten Pacific seaways. Beyond the horizon, the real war passes it's stir-crazy crew by. Mister Roberts, directed by John Ford and Mervyn LeRoy, is the classic story of men fighting to survive not wars dangers, but it's indignities. Henry Fondas reprise of his Tony®-winning Broadway role returned him to movies after seven years away. Jack Lemmon won his first Academy Award®* as hapless, lecherous Ensign Pulver. James Cagneys petty, scrappy Captain makes a fierce adversary. In his final film, William Powell makes world-weary Doc a sage for the ages. Mister Roberts has moments of unforgettable humor. But sadness tempers the comedy. No shot is fired. No blood is spilled. Yet Mister Roberts endures as one of our most truthful war sagas.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Regista John Ford, Mervyn Leroy, Joshua Logan
Attore Henry Fonda, James Cagney
Genere Commedia
Contenuto Blu-ray
Data pubblicazione 15.12.2020
Edizione Warner Archive Collection
Audio Inglese
Durata 121 Minuti
Anno di produzione 1955
Titolo originale Mister Roberts
Versione US Version
Codice regionale A

Cast e troupe

Recensioni dei clienti

  • S.U.P.E.R

    Scritta il 14. luglio 2004 da surfing.
    Questa recensione si riferisce a una versione alternativa.

    Absolut genialer Film. Zwar nicht auf Deutsch erhältlich (dts Titel "Keine Zeit für Heldentum") was aber egal ist. Muss sowieso auf Englisch angeschaut werden. Henry Fonda, James Cagney und Jack Lemmon in Hochform!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Scritta il 17. novembre 2007 da surfing.
    Questa recensione si riferisce a una versione alternativa.

    Verdammt, wann wird der endlich wieder veröffentlicht? Absolut grossartige schauspielerische Leistungen von James Cagney, Henry Fonda und dem jungen Jack Lemmon. Alle drei in Höchstform!!!

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