
Vincent Price Collection - 5 Frightening Features

Inglese · DVD

US Version | Codice regionale 1
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Ulteriori informazioni

Delve into the world of Vincent Price - experience films from the man that made Horror a work of art! House on Haunted Hill - A wealthy man offers a hefty amount of money to a select five people that concur to being trapped in a haunted rental house overnight. Last Man on Earth - Illness reforms any spark of human life into living dead, and the last man left on earth is forced to set out as a vampire hunter. Shock - After a woman witnesses a man commit murder, she is locked into a private asylum to face her psychological issues - but the one who admitted her may be the one who indefinitely needs help. The Bat - When psycho killer, 'The Bat,' escapes, he runs loose in a mansion filled with people. The Jackals - The heart does in fact, speak louder than the mind - convicted bank robber is after a gold miner, but quickly falls in love with his granddaughter, leading to a change of plans. - This is a multiple-item set containing these film/programs: The Bat, House On Haunted Hill, The Jackals, The Last Man On Earth, Shock

Dettagli sul prodotto

Regista Ubaldo Ragona, Robert D. Webb, Alfred L. Werker, Sidney Salkow, Crane Wilbur, William Castle, Rosemary Horvath
Attore Vincent Price, Agnes Moorehead, Franca Bettoia, Diana Ivarson, Lynn Bari, Carol Ohmart
Genere Horror
Contenuto DVD
Data pubblicazione 03.10.2017
Audio Inglese (Dolby Digital)
Durata 6h 44min
L'elenco dei film The Bat (1959), The Last Man on Earth (1964), The Jackals (1967), Shock (1946), House on Haunted Hill (1959)
Versione US Version
Codice regionale 1

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