Fr. 30.50

Hannie Caulder (Olive Signature) (1971) (Olive Signature)

Inglese · DVD

US Version | Codice regionale 1
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Ulteriori informazioni

Revenge is a loaded gun in director Burt Kennedy's (The Train Robbers) Hannie Caulder. Raquel Welch (One Million Years B.C., 100 Rifles, and Myra Breckinridge) smolders as Hannie, a widow sworn to avenge her own brutal rape and husband's murder at the hands of Emmett (Ernest Borgnine, The Wild Bunch), Frank (Jack Elam, Support Your Local Sheriff), and Rufus (Strother Martin, Cool Hand Luke), three of the most despicable scoundrels to have ever roamed the prairie. Eager for revenge, but lacking the gunfighter's know-how, Hannie soon discovers new confidence and skill when bounty hunter Thomas Luther Price (Robert Culp, Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice) teaches her the way of the gun. In no time, Hannie is strapping on her six shooter and setting out to put a few notches on it's handle. Co-starring the legendary Christopher Lee (Horror of Dracula), playing against type as a sympathetic gunsmith who befriends her, Hannie Caulder hits it's target from ten paces. Extra features include: New High-Definition digital restoration; Audio commentary by Western expert and director Alex Cox (Walker, Repo Man); "Exploitation or Redemption?" - an examination of rape-revenge movies with film scholar Ben Sher; "A Very British Horror Studio" - interview with Sir Christopher Frayling on the history of Tigon Studios; Essay by film critic Miriam Bale

Dettagli sul prodotto

Regista Burt Kennedy
Attore Raquel Welch, Christopher Lee, Robert Culp, Ernest Borgnine, Strother Martin, Jack Elam
Genere Western
Contenuto DVD
Età consigliata 16 anni
Data pubblicazione 15.11.2016
Edizione Olive Signature
Audio Inglese
Sottotitoli Inglese
Anno di produzione 1971
Titolo originale Hannie Caulder
Versione US Version
Codice regionale 1

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