Fr. 35.60

Burden of Bad Ideas - How Modern Intellectuals Misshape Our Society

Inglese · Copertina rigida

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Klappentext Critics have attacked the foolishness of some of today's elite thought from many angles! but few have examined the real-world consequences of those ideas. In this book! Heather Mac Donald reports on their disastorous effects throughout our society. Zusammenfassung Critics have attacked the foolishness of some of today's elite thought from many angles! but few have examined the real-world consequences of those ideas. In this book! Heather Mac Donald reports on their disastorous effects throughout our society. Inhaltsverzeichnis Part 1 Introduction vii Part 2 The Billions of Dollars That Made Things Worse 3 Part 3 Behind the Hundred Neediest Cases 25 Part 4 Public Health Quackery 43 Part 5 Law School Humbug 61 Part 6 Why Johnny's Teacher Can't Teach 82 Part 7 An F for Hip-Hop 101 103 Part 8 Revisionist Lust: The Smithsonian Today 117 Part 9 Homeless Advocates in Outer Space 144 Part 10 Compassion Gone Mad 155 Part 11 Welfare's Next Vietnam 173 Part 12 Foster Care's Underworld 194 Part 13 Diallo Truth! Diallo Falsehood 209 Part 14 Index 235

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Collectif, Heather Macdonald
Editore Ivan R. Dee
Lingue Inglese
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 22.08.2000
EAN 9781566633376
ISBN 978-1-56663-337-6
Pagine 255
Categorie Scienze naturali, medicina, informatica, tecnica > Geoscienze > Geografia
Scienze sociali, diritto, economia > Scienze politiche > Scienze politiche e cittadinanza attiva

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