
Charley Harper, Sonderausgabe - An Illustrated Life

Inglese · Copertina rigida


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Charley Harper is an American original who created his art from his home studio in Cincinnati, Ohio - until his death on June 10, 2007 at the age of 84. He is beloved for his delightful, graphic and often humorous illustrations of nature, animals, insects and people alike. Charley liked to say, that when he paints a bird, he doesn't count all the feathers in the wings he just counts the wings. Minimal realism, he called it, and his unique and precise style continues to resonate and inspire his admirers. "Charley Harper - An Illustrated Life", showcases his illustrations that appeared from 1950 - 1975 in the Ford Times magazines, as well as in books such as the beloved "The Giant Golden Book of Biology" in 1961, "Betty Crocker's Dinner for Two" in 1961, and "The Animal Kingdom" in 1968, among many others. His well loved book Birds and Words , first published in 1974, is considered a classic.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Charley Harper, Todd Oldham
Con la collaborazione di Charley Harper (Illustrazione), Tedd Oldham (Editore)
Editore Visual Books
Lingue Inglese
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 01.01.2009
EAN 9781934429372
ISBN 978-1-934429-37-2
Pagine 424
Categorie Saggistica > Arte, letteratura > Altro
Scienze umane, arte, musica > Arte > Arte figurativa

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