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From the Holy Roman Empire to the Land of the Tsars - One Family's Odyssey, 1768-1870

Russo · Copertina rigida

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In a manuscript in a Russian archive, an anonymous German eyewitness describes what he saw in Moscow during Napoleon's Russian campaign. Who was this nameless memoirist, and what brought him to Moscow in 1812? The search for answers to those questions uncovers a remarkable story of German and Russian life at the dawn of the modern age.Johannes Ambrosius Rosenstrauch (1768-1835), the manuscript's author, was a man always on the move and reinventing himself. He spent half his life in the Holy Roman Empire, and the other half in Russia. A restless wanderer and seeker, but also the progenitor of an influential merchant family, he was a characteristic figure both of the Age of Revolution and of the bourgeois era that followed.Presenting a broad panorama of life in the German lands and Russia from the Old Regime to modernity, this microhistory explores how individual people shape, and are shaped by, the historical forces of their time.Winner, 2023 Reginald Zelnik Book Prize in History, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies

В рукописи анонимный немецкий очевидец описывает то, что он видел в Москве во время русской кампании Наполеона. Кем был этот мемуарист и что привело его в Москву в 1812 году? Поиск ответов на эти вопросы открывает неизвестные страницы из жизни Германии и России на заре современной эпохи. Автор рукописи, Иоганн Амброз

Info autore

Alexander M. Martin is Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of Romantics, Reformers, Reactionaries: Russian Conservative Thought and Politics in the Reign of Alexander I (1997) and Enlightened Metropolis: Constructing Imperial Moscow, 1762-1855 (2013).


ENGIn a manuscript in a Russian archive, an anonymous German eyewitness describes what he saw in Moscow during Napoleon's Russian campaign. Who was this nameless memoirist, and what brought him to Moscow in 1812? The search for answers to those questions uncovers a remarkable story of German and Russian life at the dawn of the modern age.Johannes Ambrosius Rosenstrauch (1768-1835), the manuscript's author, was a man always on the move and reinventing himself. He spent half his life in the Holy Roman Empire, and the other half in Russia. A restless wanderer and seeker, but also the progenitor of an influential merchant family, he was a characteristic figure both of the Age of Revolution and of the bourgeois era that followed.Presenting a broad panorama of life in the German lands and Russia from the Old Regime to modernity, this microhistory explores how individual people shape, and are shaped by, the historical forces of their time.Winner, 2023 Reginald Zelnik Book Prize in History, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies

В рукописи анонимный немецкий очевидец описывает то, что он видел в Москве во время русской кампании Наполеона. Кем был этот мемуарист и что привело его в Москву в 1812 году? Поиск ответов на эти вопросы открывает неизвестные страницы из жизни Германии и России на заре современной эпохи. Автор рукописи, Иоганн Амброзиус Розенштраух (1768–1835), половину своей жизни провел в Священной Римской империи, а другую половину –в России. Неугомонный странники искатель, а также родоначальник влиятельной купеческой семьи, он был характерной фигурой своей эпохи. Демонстрируя широкую панораму жизни на немецких землях и в России, книга Александра Мартина показывает, как отдельные люди формируют свое время и сами и формируются под его воздействием.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Martin Alexander M.
Con la collaborazione di Barash Olga (Traduzione)
Editore Ingram Publishers Services
Lingue Russo
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 05.03.2024
EAN 9798887195162
ISBN 979-8-88719-516-2
Pagine 580
Serie Contemporary Western Rusistika
Categorie Scienze sociali, diritto, economia > Sociologia > Opere generiche, enciclopedie

History, BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Historical, Biography: historical, political & military, HISTORY / Russia / General

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