Fr. 46.70

Journey into the Unknown - Particle Astrophysics for Curious Students

Hindi · Tascabile

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Ulteriori informazioni

Universe of Particles: Size, Forces, and Invisible Dancers
Have you ever wondered what lies beneath the world we live in? What microscopic universe in which atoms also become huge and the game of unique dance of particles takes place? This book is an attempt to take you on a journey into that invisible world, where we will step into the exciting world of particle physics and see the fundamental bricks from which our universe is made.
The Magic of Size: A Journey from the Micro to the Microscopic
Our eyes are accustomed to seeing huge mountains, shining stars, and flowing rivers. But do you know that these are made up of the smallest particles, atoms? And even smaller worlds are hidden inside atoms, where particles dance. These particles are so small that a hair looks like a giant planet in comparison to them!
Let's take a walk in this microscopic world. Divide one centimeter into a hundred million parts, then divide each of them again into a hundred million parts. Now you are close to the size of particles! In this unimaginably small world, the seeds of the secrets of the universe are hidden.
The Game of Forces: The Invisible Shackles that Hold the Universe Together
The world of particles is like a complex play, in which four fundamental forces play the role of playwrights. Gravity is the invisible shackle that pulls everything together. The electromagnetic force is the magician behind the lightning and the attraction of magnets. The strong nuclear force holds quarks together at the center of the atom, and the weak nuclear force causes radioactivity. These forces control the dance of particles in this microscopic world and give the universe its shape.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Deepa Mehra
Editore Self
Lingue Hindi
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 01.02.2024
EAN 9798869172365
ISBN 979-8-8691-7236-5
Pagine 82
Dimensioni 152 mm x 229 mm x 5 mm
Peso 134 g
Categoria Scienze naturali, medicina, informatica, tecnica > Fisica, astronomia > Altro

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