Fr. 45.50

A Dappled Path - Despair, delight, and the moments in between

Australiane, lingue · Tascabile

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Now in full colour, A Dappled Path shares the light, dark, uphill, downhill (and the many detours along the way), of one womans struggle to survive Complex PTSD. A raw, unfiltered anthology that reveals the full spectrum of emotion using the power of rhyme and prose. Join the author on a journey which explores the prospect that love of self can emerge victorious.
Written both from within the vortex of some of her darkest moments, and from safer places, the author uses words like a grappling hook to tear herself free of the darkness threatening to engulf her. At other times, love and compassion dance through the words, creating odes and odysseys.
The author has released this deeply personal collection in the hope that her continued journey toward optimism can be an inspiration to others who may be still treading their own dappled path.

Info autore

I have been writing, for my own pleasure (or need), since I was 18 years of age. That is, if you don't count the usual high-school poetry assignments, which I probably didn't hand in - I hated high school. I have used this medium to vent, to work through emotions I couldn't rein in, or to claw my way back from the edge. I never, for one moment, thought I would ever actually expose them to public scrutiny. So why have I? Why now? You can blame, or thank, my mother for this.
In 1994 I wrote a poem titled "What colour is a red rose" in response to a question which had been put to me without context. I knew I would be revealing something of myself with my answer, but had no idea how to answer 'correctly'. I don't actually recall how I came to be showing my mother the poem, but she loved it and requested a copy. She hung it proudly in her rogues gallery of photos and my sisters art. Years on and I've written many poems in cards, as gifts, or just to tell her that I love her. Somewhere along the way she made me promise that I would publish my poems before she died. That was roughly 20 years ago. Her 90th birthday has come and gone so here I am, exposing my soul and hoping the raw edges aren't too graphic, now that I've mustered the courage to do it. I know this book isn't the cheerful weaving of words Little Mummy Bear was hoping for but, if I was going to do this, I wanted it to really matter. And just maybe reach someone who was struggling.
I'm so glad that I was given permission to use my sisters artwork to compliment this edition. Jo's artworks are a collectible treasure and as her most ardent fan it is truly an honour to share space with her. I hope you enjoy your own mini-collection of her art.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Gai-Louise Partridge
Editore Partridges in Print
Lingue Australiane, lingue
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 10.10.2023
EAN 9780987366009
ISBN 978-0-9873660-0-9
Pagine 92
Dimensioni 148 mm x 210 mm x 5 mm
Peso 132 g
Categoria Narrativa > Poesia lirica, drammatica

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