Fr. 40.70

Presen bilong God

Melanesiano moderno · Copertina rigida

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Info autore

Tahirih Lemon is a trained primary teacher with a Master of Education. She has been self-publishing under Sacred Square Publishing since 2019 for a niche market. Her current books and children's stories were initially inspired by her children when they were younger, who were very inquisitive regarding spiritual matters. Published books include children's picture books A Gift From God, and Signs of God's Love, and for younger YA, The Independent Investigator series and Aalia's Guardian Angel.The ideas for her stories are often based on personal experiences as a parent of two now adult children, as a previous foster carer, an early educator and primary teacher. Tahirih's passionate about writing stories where appropriate that are humorous and relatable, with a focus on an everyday family life and interactions, including beloved family pets.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Tahirih Lemon
Editore Sacred Square Publishing
Lingue Melanesiano moderno
Raccomandazione d'eta' 3 a 6 anni
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 31.05.2023
EAN 9780645590180
ISBN 978-0-645-59018-0
Pagine 32
Dimensioni 208 mm x 260 mm x 7 mm
Peso 350 g
Categoria Libri per bambini e per ragazzi > Prime letture, letture pre-scolari

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