Fr. 19.10

Kaam Kala Shilp Ke Mandir - Khajuraho

Hindi · Tascabile

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Writing travel memoirs, it felt as if life had been re-lived from 1982 to 2016. When the twelve remembrance journey is completed, it seems that we have filled our life with 20 Ghats of Ghat Shabda Sarita. The journey of remembrance is always going on in the spirit world. This constant and uninterrupted feeling keeps on flowing on the ground. Like the streams of underground water in the land of lime, my feelings were invisible in the world. Efforts have been made to bring those streams to the surface of the mind-conscious with the speed of word flow. All this happened when I read the autobiography of Dr. Shyam Sundar Dubey ji stuck in wanderings. He had also indicated to me that whatever you have in life's wealth of varied experiences, keep putting it in the form of words. Whatever be the mode of expression, the higher the velocity, the more beautiful the composition becomes. This inspiration of his is a blessing for me and is in front of you in the form of these memoirs. -Nanhe Singh Thakur 'Aadam' (Author)

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Nanhe Singh Thakur 'Aadam'
Editore Prachi Digital Publication
Lingue Hindi
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 26.12.2022
EAN 9789391358433
ISBN 978-93-91358-43-3
Pagine 92
Dimensioni 140 mm x 216 mm x 6 mm
Peso 142 g
Categoria Narrativa > Fumetti, cartoni, humour, satira

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