Fr. 26.30

Shiva Ka Sangram

Hindi · Tascabile

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For an innocent child his parents are his everything. By whose love the child feels protected. For Shiva his mother, father was his world, his god. Who were brutally murdered in front of his eyes? Then the fierce fire of strong vengeance took place in his heart. Shiva became such a destructive weapon by burning in this fierce fire, which can destroy even powerful enemies. A vaidya helped Shiva to reach his destination of revenge and made his a walking death. But it was not easy for Shiva to complete his revenge, because the cruel emperor, who snatched the world of Shiva's mother and father for him, was the emperor of such a cruel and powerful empire that after hoisting his victory flag on the kingdom he would attack him used to brutally kill entire people of that state. By making the royal family slaves, he used to make them work and kept the women of the royal family as maids of his harem. Shiva will be able to complete his revenge by fighting against such a cruel and powerful emperor? Read the novel to know who all helped him in his journey of revenge.


Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Nadesh Chuadhry, Rupesh Kumar
Editore BlueRose Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Lingue Hindi
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 11.02.2023
EAN 9789356683129
ISBN 978-93-5668-312-9
Pagine 218
Dimensioni 127 mm x 203 mm x 12 mm
Peso 240 g
Categoria Saggistica > Filosofia, religione > Religione: tematiche generali, opere di consultazione

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